Monday, April 14, 2014

take away

Today in class we discussed some interactive ways to use Power Point. I've been exposed to Power Point for a while now but today was the first time that I saw some cool ways to enhance your PP by using hyperlinks. We also discussed what to teach our students when writing an email. Some effective email ethnicity. There were some pros and cons about using email as a tool in a classroom, some pros were that it's convenient, direct, and always available to be used. Some cons were that there could be misunderstandings in a way a person reads the text, verbal communication is sometimes better than using an email to address things, and it might end up being quicker to just directly talk to the person.
Voice Thread can be used to cover topics, statements, current events. Students can interactively reply and comment on it. I would take a picture of something related to a topic we're learning in class and have students comment about what they think or anything they want to share. It'll be a very laid back assignment.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blog #6- Ch 8 & 9

In chapter 8, it discusses how teachers and students use computers and other technologies to share ideas, facts, and knowledge in the classrooms and online. Teachers have a variety of choices of what  technologies to integrate into their lessons/curriculum. Some communication technologies teachers are using in classrooms are emails, teacher or classroom websites, blogs, online discussions, and wikis. Also, some teachers use social media like, Twitter, Facebook pages, and Instagram for educational purposes. There are five major ways of using electronic communications our classrooms; teaching interactively, sharing information, building learning communities, publishing student work, and energizing student writing. I think it's important to incorporate technology into our classrooms and lessons because it's a way for teachers to connect with their students. And it also promotes meaningful learning, and "extend academics beyond the confines of regular school time." Blogging is emerging as one of the most important ways for teachers and students to communicate it is even evident in our EDU 7266 class, we use it all the time in every class.
In chapter 9, it goes over multimedia technology and how teachers can use it effectively in classrooms. Teachers can get creative with their lessons and add visual information. In almost all classrooms now teachers are using power point as a tool to present their lessons. Teachers are also using videos and DVDs as a tool to convey important information to their students. When I was observing at a school the teacher would show short video clips in her lessons which explained the topic to their students but the students were more engaged because they were visually entertained, which I thought the video was an effective tool.

1. Why do you think blogging is more popular with girls than with boys?

2. What communication technologies, and multimedia would you use in your classroom, and why?

Monday, April 7, 2014

take away

Today in class we went over on how to start our digital portfolios. We discussed some of the advantages of using digital portfolios. Some of the advantages were that it's environmental friendly, unlimited storage and easy access, easy to change and edit, audience is bigger meaning that somebody from another country can see my portfolio if I were applying out of state. I learned how portfolios aren't static that its always on-going and you're always revising and adding and changing it. We also discussed how journals and portfolios are somewhat similar in that it tells a story in order. It's important when making a portfolio to reflect, select, and reflect again.

Monday, March 31, 2014

take away

Today in class we saw some examples of the group videos done in the past. Seeing the videos it allowed me to see what my group's video should have and also some tips. We also got into our groups and discussed some topics we could do our video on. Our group chose How to have manners but it's not definite yet. Videos are so powerful in conveying messages especially to digital natives since they're so interested and engaged in visuals so these how to videos will be very effective and teachers could use it in their classrooms.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Blog 5- Ch 7

Chapter 7 talks about how educational software's can support and promote problem solving and inquiry learning for grades K-12. Some of the educational software that teachers use for problem solving and inquiry learning are Kid Pix, Google Earth, Excel, and etc. We talked about Mine Craft in our last lecture and how schools are bringing in computer games as a resource to use for students to interact, go by rules, have a goal and objective and have strategies for the conflicts/challenges they encounter. Some other software that are used in schools for topics in math are Math blaster, Treasure Mathstorm, and Numbers undercover. I didn't know but many schools have a vast selection of educational software, including games, in their libraries or resource centers. So students have easy access to these educational software that have been evaluated. An effective tutoring system is tracking a student's performance in getting the correct answer and then adjusting their teaching approach based on the student's learning needs. A lot of feedback is good for inquiry learning and problem solving.

1. Would you use computer games in your classroom to promote and support problem solving and inquiry learning? Which software would you use?

2. How can educators assess the effectiveness of educational software?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Take away

Today we had a discussion on different types of educational tools that are available online; like,, and We discussed how to integrate non-educational sites such as google maps into our classrooms. Students will be able to collaborate and use problem solving skills when dealing with tools online. Students will have access to different educational sites that will allow them to practice, study, and improve in the areas where they need help in. It was the first time hearing about the game called Minecraft, I don't think I would ever use that site for students to engage in my classroom. I just think that there are other educational games that will be more useful. Minecraft just seems like a game to me...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blog 4- Ch 4 & 6

On a daily basis students are exposed to technology, they are not digital immigrants. Some students just lack the maturity and sophistication in regards to technology. Teachers can support and contribute wisdom and guidance to these students through everyday learning and learning about how/when/why  to use technology. In chapter 4 it lists the strategies for Single and Multiple Computer Classrooms- how they can be used in a classroom. Computers can be used for information, interaction, presentation, and rotation. All students would be exposed to the computer in their classrooms. As there are less and less classrooms without computers nowadays teachers should be able to incorporate computers into their lessons. I have been observing an Elementary School in the Bronx where the science teacher teaches all  her lessons through the smart board and through presentations. The teacher adds video clips and pictures into power points. The students seem to enjoy the lessons more because of all these visual add ons. I've noticed that teachers use and take advantage of one or more electronic devices in their classrooms, which I think is a good thing.

simple educational game site that I think is a good tool

1. Do you think all students should have access to a computer altogether at once? or having one computer in a classroom enough?
2. How might teaching change from what a teacher might do if the technology were not present?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Take away

Knowledge is not static it's on-going and endless. We want to educate our students digitally and this is where digital citizenship comes in play. We want to prepare our students in the digital world by having them move forward, be aware of their information and if its valid by evaluating. Teach them the Three Broad Areas- Respect, Educate, and Protect yourself and others when using the internet or any other digital devices. There are similarities and differences in digital citizenship and what we teach our students in our classrooms. We went over what WebQuest is and concluded that it's a task for students. During our dicussions we talked about China and how the media is so regulated by the Central people. It reminded me again of how we take little things for granted like media, technology, and etc in the US.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Take away

Today in class we went over the pros and the cons of using Wikipedia. Majority of us raised our hands for allowing students to use Wikipedia whereas some said they wouldn't want their students to use it. A lot of the concerns on using Wikipedia was of how reliable it is, who writes for wiki? where are the information coming from? and it's sketchy how someone can edit the page. Through the lecture/lesson I learned that not everybody can edit the information and that there are limitations to who writes for Wikipedia. Wikipedia is still being shaped unlike an encyclopedia so it's actually more current. Things on wikipedia is always being updated and revised. I'll allow my students to use Wikipedia but this should not be their main and only source. Wikipeida is a starting point and from the information they get from this site they'll be able to go more in depth and search other websites that are more legit and check out books on print.

Blog 3- Chapter 5

In chapter 5 it talks about how teachers and students can critically research and evaluate the Internet as a teaching and learning environment. Today we see that the search for education knowledge increasingly features the Internet.  Internet can be used by teachers professionally and service students academically. So it is very important for us to teach the students where to get their information and what sites are safe to use. We can first teach students to recognize the URL- .com, .org, .gov, .net and then give them some educational preselected sites to access. There’s always that concern for plagiarism and it suggests in the chapter for teachers to give assignments that cannot be plagiarized, for example allow students to use the internet to gather information but tell them to produce their own original research that was not copied from online. And also teach them about quoting, to quote correctly and effectively. Skills of locating, evaluating, and using information in a computer environment are defined as information literacy and media literacy. Without us realizing we are constantly analyzing and evaluating the media this includes print.
I always use the Internet to find information almost all the time. I can’t help it; it’s so convenient and fast. I prefer using Google, it’s my main search engine window. I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t like using other search engines like Internet Explorer, Bing, and etc. because I feel as though Google is more organized and maybe it’s simply because I’m so used to how Google is laid out. Using the Internet can be dangerous because of plagiarism and unsafe sites but for the most part I think it’s so useful. It’s bigger than we can imagine all the information and sources available on the Internet, its actually quite incredible that we live in this generation where we can access information with a click/tap of our fingers.

1.     What do you think about reading online and it’s outcome on students today?

2.     Have you used or suggested educational sites to your students or colleagues? Which ones did you find most useful?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Take away

Today in class we were shown examples of previous students' trailers. I thought they were very eye-catching especially the "Earthquake" trailer, I wanted to learn about earthquakes and see what the teacher had in store for her/his students! I like how the "American Dream" lesson gave students the opportunity to reply back using technology. It was interesting to see how students brought out their creativity by interviewing people, adding on audio to go along with their presentation, and adding pictures that pointed out their viewpoints on what the American Dream/American Nightmare is.
During today's lesson we learned about behaviorism, information processing, and constructivism.  I enjoyed the clips that Dr. Chen provided during the powerpoints for better understanding about what behaviorism is. The constructivist perceptive is to engage students in meaningful experiences, use of knownledge to facilitate thinking in real life, and for problem solving and discovery.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Webquest topic

Topic: Butterfly Life Cycle

Kindergartens will learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Common Core Standards:
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners aboutkindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.2 Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.3 Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.


Ch 2 & 3 blog

In chapter 2 it covers how technology promotes unique, powerful and transformative learning for students. Experiences with computers might not always be a positive time but students are attracted to technology-based activities. These activities offer students a sense of "independence, exploration, and dynamic learning." Students can use technology to collaborate with one another instead of always competing with each other. They'll be able to do group projects together, help each other if fellow student needs help using an electronic device. Another beneficial factor about using computers during a  lesson is allowing students to be engaged and participate altogether. It was interesting to read some examples of Student-Centered Teaching Methods and how technology supports it. With one-to-one tutoring students get help on topics they are having difficulties in and after they can go home and use their computers to follow through and explore more in depth. Also another was dealing with Inquiry learning, students can exchange and share information with each other and monitor their own learning through these processes.

Yes, technology alone can't take over a classroom or a teacher but it will definitely increase new experiences for the students. Certain programs on the computers can allow students to be more creative and interested. Using computers students have access to the past, present, and imagine the future through visuals, this promotes their visual learning. They can also do a lot more when using computers for instance replay clips going back and forth if they did not get it the first time. Technology is also great for teachers as well because it helps teachers to plan, deliver, and organize for class. It's inevitable that soon all teachers will end up using technology into their lessons. There are so many positive benefits from using technology in classrooms. I enjoy seeing how creative some teachers get with their power points and I'm amazed and how quick some students pick up things dealing with technologies.

1. What do you think are some harms that technology does with students' learning?
2. Which active learning methods did you value as a student yourself and why?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Take away

After seeing the clip of students use Imovie and editing their movie projects I'm actually flustered to even say I majored in Media Studies.. I just learned how to edit during my last two semesters in undergrad.I definitely did not take advantage of those skills and programs wish I did..
It was also interesting to see how teachers incorporate tecnology to their lessons, using social media. I've been learning a lot these days about what websites to acess and what social media teachers use. I like how the teacher uploads pics on instagram of the students works, lessons, and etc, I'll probably most likely do that when I start teaching. There is no doubt in my mind that the younger generation of students will be more advanced in using technology than me.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blog 1- chapter one

Becoming an e-Teacher…

      Technology has become such a great essential to our lives. Whether it be of a child playing games on his mother's iPad, teacher's using power points for their lessons, or a student using a computer to type his/her paper, or of an elderly using the internet to watch international dramas, it's being used all around us. I've become so used to having/using technology that I can't go a day without using it. While reading chapter one I thought about my past classes where teachers incorporated technologies into their lessons, for me it wasn't until college where I saw the most use of it. Children these days are exposed to different types of technologies at such an young age. 
      It mentions in the reading about today's "youngsters"  being referred to as Generation M, these children are interacting with a wide range of technologies on a daily basis. I plan to use technology to inspire learning and creativity for my future students. For the most part as I student myself I enjoy power point lessons its more organized, the professors add on video clips, pictures, graphs, and etc. It definitely allows the students to see more visually which can be more beneficial. I believe using technology allows you to be more creative with your lessons as whole. I strongly think it's important to use technology for instructional practices and also administrative/professional activities. For instructional practices it gives the students the opportunity to work and experience how and when to use technology on their own. And for administrative/professional activities its very useful for teachers because it helps us to be more organized, engaged, and up to date. 

  1. Do you believe it's crucial for elementary school students to use technology in their classrooms?
  2. What are some ways(examples) you plan to include technology in your classroom? 

Monday, January 27, 2014

first blog--

It's been over 10yrs since I last blogged. The last time I blogged was when I had a xanga account.. this should be fun!

Nice to meet you all :)