Monday, February 24, 2014

Take away

Today in class we were shown examples of previous students' trailers. I thought they were very eye-catching especially the "Earthquake" trailer, I wanted to learn about earthquakes and see what the teacher had in store for her/his students! I like how the "American Dream" lesson gave students the opportunity to reply back using technology. It was interesting to see how students brought out their creativity by interviewing people, adding on audio to go along with their presentation, and adding pictures that pointed out their viewpoints on what the American Dream/American Nightmare is.
During today's lesson we learned about behaviorism, information processing, and constructivism.  I enjoyed the clips that Dr. Chen provided during the powerpoints for better understanding about what behaviorism is. The constructivist perceptive is to engage students in meaningful experiences, use of knownledge to facilitate thinking in real life, and for problem solving and discovery.

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