Monday, April 14, 2014

take away

Today in class we discussed some interactive ways to use Power Point. I've been exposed to Power Point for a while now but today was the first time that I saw some cool ways to enhance your PP by using hyperlinks. We also discussed what to teach our students when writing an email. Some effective email ethnicity. There were some pros and cons about using email as a tool in a classroom, some pros were that it's convenient, direct, and always available to be used. Some cons were that there could be misunderstandings in a way a person reads the text, verbal communication is sometimes better than using an email to address things, and it might end up being quicker to just directly talk to the person.
Voice Thread can be used to cover topics, statements, current events. Students can interactively reply and comment on it. I would take a picture of something related to a topic we're learning in class and have students comment about what they think or anything they want to share. It'll be a very laid back assignment.

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